You’ve probably heard how fulfilling having a regular yoga self-practice can be  – all that’s left is to step onto the mat!

Or so you might have thought.. Until you stepped onto your yoga mat the first time and completely forgot every single yoga pose that exists. At least that’s what happened for me, when I first started a yoga self-practice. This beginning of starting your yoga self-practice and making it a regular part of your daily life can be a challenge. It can be a lot of ebbs and flows as in you can go from feeling super motivated and strong in your yoga practice one day, to being too uninspired or tired to step onto the yoga mat the next. You can be beating yourself up for not practicing or pushing yourself too hard when you do practice because you want to experience all the benefits of yoga. NOW. This is the time in my yoga practice I look back on with most fondness, but I know there’s some rose tint in my glasses. I remember well that some days it just feels like a struggle and like you’ll never get any stronger, more flexible, be able to control your breathing, or still your mind. It might feel like you’re never going to improve. But you will – I promise you will. Here are some thoughts and some struggles that might be bothering you:

  • I have no idea what I’m doing
  • How to I find the time and motivation to practice?
  • I don’t know how to navigate all the different information out there
  • Which yoga style or yoga poses should I practice?
  • If I do the yoga poses wrong, do I get injured?
  • All inspiration leaves me as soon as I step on the yoga mat
  • How do I learn to free flow in my yoga practice?
  • I want to advance in my practice, but how do I do that?
  • How do I find the courage/technique to practice inversions?
  • I should practice the way that person is doing it..
  • I feel like I’m always practicing the same things, how do I change it up so I can continue learning?

Eesh, so many big hard thoughts to be navigating through. Here are some resources and blog posts that I’ve made especially to help you:


Want a fulfilling yoga self-practice at home but unsure where to even start?

7 days to start a yoga self-practice. A mini-course or yoga ebook on how to establish a fulfilling home yoga practice

Get the mini-course 7 Days to Start a Yoga Self-Practice to establish a lasting and inspiring independent yoga practice at home!

In 7 days and 7 challenges, the mini-course takes you through how to establish a yoga self-practice step-by-step.


Come behind the curtain..

Every once in a while I write an letter to my community lifting the curtain on the behind the scenes of my yoga practice – I share any a-ha moments I had in my yoga practice (both on and off the mat), problems overcome and how, as well as what I’ve been reading, watching and listening to that month. Subscribers also hear about new things (and receive free ebooks + get discount codes!) before anyone else.

If you’d like to join, I’d love to have you.

Camilla Mia sitting in a meditation cross-legged position on the floor in Bali during her yoga teacher training.